How to sell at Partiu.Shop

Regardless of the size of your company, Partiu.Shop stands out as aone of the fastest and most efficient options to enter the world of online sales.If you want to expand your reach and gain new customers on the internet, you are in the right place.

before we start

Understand how much you will receive

Documents we will ask for during the registration process

Documents we will ask to verify your identity

before we start

Understand how much you will receive

Here, we understand the importance of transparency and clarity in business relationships, so we have developed a sales plan that aims to offer you, the seller, a comprehensive and detailed view of the earnings you can obtain through our platform.

Our sales plan template is designed to be simple and accessible, allowing you to have a clear forecast of your income based on the sales you make. We want you to feel confident using our platform and reach your full potential as an entrepreneur.

How our sales plan works:

Transparent Commissions: Here, we believe that transparency is the key to a successful partnership. You will have access to detailed information about the commissions that will be applied to each sale made through our marketplace. There are no surprises or hidden fees.

Earnings Simulation: So that you can have an overview of your possible earnings, we provide a simulation tool. Through it, you can estimate the amount you will receive when making sales in different scenarios, taking into account commissions and related expenses.

Detailed Reports: Tracking your sales is essential to your success as a seller. Our system provides detailed and regularly updated reports, allowing you to track your sales performance and make informed decisions.

Seller Support:We are here to help you succeed. Our seller support team is available to answer your questions, assist with any questions related to the sale plan and provide guidance to optimize your earnings.

Growth Opportunities: We want to see your business thrive! In addition to providing a safe and secure environment for your sales, we also seek to promote growth opportunities by highlighting your products to a broad and diverse audience.

We are committed to creating a strong and beneficial partnership for all involved, providing you with all the tools you need to succeed. In our marketplace, we understand that your success is our success!

So, join us and start walking the path towards a prosperous sales journey! We're excited to work with you and help you reach your full potential as a seller.

Documents we will ask for during the registration process

Cadastro Empresarial (CNPJ)

  • Name of the account holder.
  • Email and mobile number.
  • Store information:
    • CNPJ
    • Sócios
    • Checking account number
    • Razão Social
    • Nome Fantasia
    • Nome Fantasia
    • Inscrição estadual.
    • Sócios

Cadastro Pessoa Física (CPF)

  • Name of the account holder.
  • CPF e RG
  • Email and mobile number.
  • Shipping address e Billing address

Documents we will ask to verify your identity

  • Documentoscopy
    • RG ou
    • Driver's license
  • Verificação facial
  • Account data validation
    • Email and mobile number.